Thursday, September 15, 2011

notd: nirvana plus my watermark!!!

hello all! this week has been superbusy and i havent been able to blog...omg, its been pure torture!!!

anywho, i finally figured out how to watermark my photos, with the assistance of my boyfriend, youtube tuts and photoshop. also got some new nail polish and wanted to share.

sinful colors: nirvana(949)
This color is really different, for me at least. in the bottle it looks like a brown, but once applied to nails it looks brownish grey, like chocolate from the fridge that has frost on it....Its really neutral and no glitter.

Sorry about the quality of the pictures, i guess photoshop didnt like my size when i exported them..still learning though.
anyways, thanks for checking this post out..
until next time,



  1. Loving that color! It reminds me so much of Fall :)

    <3 Melanie @

  2. awesome color!

    i really dig your blog!

  3. what a great color for fall!

    Thanks for following. You have some great posts can't wait to see more in the future.
    Peace, Love & Kittens.
